solar power could generate 'quarter of world's energy' |
groups call for solar thermal technology to expand in
'sun belt' around world as Spain leads the field |
Solar power stations that concentrate
sunlight could generate up to one-quarter of the world's
electricity needs by 2050, according to a study by
environmental and solar industry groups. The technology,
best suited to the desert regions of the world, could
also create hundreds of thousands of new jobs and
save millions of tonnes of CO2 from entering the atmosphere.
Concentrating solar power (CSP)
uses mirrors to focus sunlight onto water. This produces
steam that can then turn turbines and generate electricity.
It differs from photovoltaics, which use solar panels
to turn sunlight directly into electricity and can
operate even on overcast days. CSP only works in places
where there are many days with clear skies and is
a proven, reliable technology.
the end of 2008 CSP capacity was around 430MW, and worldwide
investment in the technology will reach |
(£1.8bn) this year, according to Sven Teske of
Greenpeace International and co-author of the report.
He said investment could increase, under a relatively
moderate scenario, to €11.1bn by 2010 and provide
7% of the world's generating capacity by 2030. By 2050
investment could reach €92.5bn, creating almost
2m jobs by 2050 and saving 2.1bn tonnes of CO2 every
year. |
to the feed-in tariff in Spain and a few schemes in
the US, this technology is actually taking off and we
wanted to highlight that we have a third big technology
to fight climate change — wind, photovoltaics
and now CSP," said Teske. |
is leading the field on CSP: more than 50 solar projects
in the country have been approved for construction by
the government and, by 2015, it will generate more than
2GW of power from CSP, comfortably exceeding current
national targets. Spanish companies are also exporting
their technology around the world. |
argue that many countries in the "sun-belt"
around the equator would benefit from CSP technology
— including desert regions in the southern United
States, north Africa, Mexico, China and India. |
new study, carried out by Greenpeace International,
the European Solar Thermal Electricity Association and
the International Energy Agency's (IEA) SolarPACES group,
looked at three scenarios of future growth in CSP. The
first was business-as-usual reference scenario that
assumed no increases at all in CSP; the second continued
the CSP investments seen in recent years in places such
as Spain and the US; while the advanced scenario was
most optimistic, removing all political and investment
barriers to give figures for the true potential of CSP. |
the third, most optimistic, scenario there could be
a giant surge in investments to €21bn a year by
2015 and €174bn a year by 2050, creating hundreds
of thousands of jobs. In this case, solar plants would
have installed capacity of 1,500GW by 2050 and provide
25% of the world's electricity capacity. Even in the
second scenario, which sees only modest increases, the
world's combined CSP capacity could reach 830GW by 2050,
representing up to 12% of the world's energy generation
needs. |
acknowledged that these estimates were far higher than
official figures from the IEA. It says that by 2050,
CSP would provide only0.2% of global power generation.
But Teske added that the IEA analysis does not assume
any increases in production capacity in the next few
decades, hence CSP forms a very small part of the overall
energy mix. |
new report also said that CSP technology was improving
rapidly, with many new power plants fitted with storage
systems for steam so that they could continue to operate
at night. In addition it said the cost of the electricity
produced , currently at €0.15 to €0.23 a kilowatt,
would fall to €0.10-€0.14 by 2020 if governments
continued to support the technology with incentives
such as feed-in |
India Floats Plan to
Add 200 Gigawatts of Solar Power |
Stacy Feldman
Is India on the brink
of becoming a solar superpower? |
quite yet. But, significantly, the government
is pondering a massive energy transition
that could deliver 20,000 MW of solar
power by 2020 and 200,000 MW by 2050,
according to a long-awaited draft strategy
leaked to The
Hindu. |
200,000 MW goal is 30 percent more than
India's current installed power generation
capacity across all energy sectors, which
stands at nearly 150,000 MW. Solar makes
up just 3 MW of that. |
the government's "National Solar Mission"
moves forward, it would be the most ambitious solar
scheme of any nation, by far. At the very least, it
deserves strong consideration. |
the world's sixth largest energy consumer, is in dire
need of a ramp up of generation capacity. By 2020, the
nation will require 400,000 MW of electricity. Currently,
efforts are in the works to make good on the government's
pledge of "Power for All by 2012," which promises
to provide electricity to all rural households. Just
fulfilling that would require 50,000 MW of additional
capacity over the next three years. |
fact that India must build, and not rebuild, its entire
energy infrastructure puts it in a unique position to
establish a green economy. And solar seems a no-brainer
choice to focus its investments. |
potential in India is off the charts. With 250 to 300
clear sunny days a year, India's solar resource capacity
is a thousand times greater than the nation’s
likely electricity demand by 2015. |
a tiny fraction of that could turn India into a global
renewables powerhouse, and an engine for growth and
green jobs. |
government's solar mission would be implemented in three
phases. Phase one, from 2009-2012, would target 1,000
MW of new capacity. From 2012 and 2017, the nation would
focus on developing utility-scale concentrating solar
plants to accelerate the ramp up. Finally, between 2017
and 2020, the aim would be grid parity, the point at
which solar becomes as cheap as fossil fuels, to get
to the 20,000 MW mark. By 2050, the full infrastructure
would be in place. |
what would it cost? Around $18 to $22 billion over 30
years, according to The Hindu. |
a bargain – and a giant underestimate. |
March 2009 Greenpeace report, which analyzed a broader
energy scenario, found that wealthy nations could help
enable a massive renewable energy uptake in India by
2030 through an international Feed-in Tariff Support
Mechanism. Specifically, for a cost of $195 billion
in international financing spread out over 20 years
(not including capital costs), India could add 310,000
MW of new renewable energy capacity. Around 45 percent
of that would come from solar. |
December 2007 report by the The Energy and Resources
Institute (TERI) concluded that it would cost $5.4 trillion
for India to get to a 75 percent "renewables"
share, includng nuclear. |
the costs, most of it will be in up-front investments.
As Sven Teske, author of the Greenpeace report, told
the WorldWatch Institute: |
30 years, India would make money." |
And the truth is, any delays in realizing a big solar
vision are not merely about cash but rather political
will, he said. In fact: |
India leveraged 1 paise, or one-hundredth of a rupee,
on every kilowatt hour generated by coal-fired utilities,
we would have enough money to implement all renewables
here in India." |
is well known for rhetoric over its renewable pledges.
There's still a scarcity of real targets and goals in
its vague climate plans, and you won't find dollar commitments.
V. Subramanian, who CEO of India's Wind Energy Association,
explained why: |
government of India does not currently have the machinery
to implement such a strategy at a national level. This
has to be done by state governments, and as yet the
engagement between the two on this is not strong."
will it take to get this solar mission accomplished?
Solar Plan Could Revolutionize
India's Energy Sector
da Costa |
solar resources are among the most abundant
in the world, with more than 1 million
square miles (3 million square kilometers)
of land spread beneath an average 250–300
clear sunny days a year. |
leaked early version of the Indian Government's
national solar energy plan indicates that
India may be thinking more ambitiously
about a "clean energy" roadmap
than was previously anticipated. |
draft strategy, first published in The Hindu, outlines
plans for a national target of 200,000 megawatts of
solar generation capacity by 2050. This is 1.3 times
India's current installed power generation capacity
of 150,000 megawatts across all energy sectors. |
the Prime Minister's Council on Climate Change is yet
to approve the plan, and the Ministry
of New and Renewable Energy has not confirmed the
claim, this possibility raises important questions for
India's energy future, namely: Could a large-scale transition
to solar power and other renewables be economically
and technically possible? And if so, what would it take?
is home to one of the most abundant solar resources
in the world, with 2.97 million square kilometers of
tropical and subtropical land and an average of 250-300
clear sunny days a year. As such, solar power offers
significant potential to meet a large share of the country's
energy needs using both centralized and decentralized
production. |
changes, if realized, could dwarf current solar leaders
Germany, Spain, Japan, and the United States in both
domestic market size and export manufacturing. They
would also create a hefty job market in solar manufacturing
and installation. |
to the leaked document, India's "solar mission"
will include measures for rapidly expanding the use
of small-scale photovoltaic panels, solar lighting systems,
and commercial-scale solar plants, in order to drive
down costs and encourage domestic solar manufacturing.
The efforts would occur in both rural and urban areas
and target residential as well as commercial users.
The plan also proposes scaling-up centralized solar
thermal power generation, with the aim of achieving
cost parity with conventional grid power by 2020 and
the full necessary energy infrastructure by 2050. |
India's installed solar capacity currently at only 3
megawatts, this would be the most ambitious solar plan
that any country has laid out so far. The scope of the
initiative would also match and ultimately far exceed
India's plans for nuclear power generation. |
recent studies have outlined wider renewable-energy
scenarios for India, including Energy [R]evolution,
a report released by Greenpeace and the European Renewable
Energy Council in March and Mitigation Options for India:
The Role of the International Community released by
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in December
2007. Both reports encourage the transition to solar
power as a critical way for India to boost its energy
security and help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
globally. |
the Greenpeace and TERI studies operate from the premise
that global carbon emissions must peak by no later than
2015 to avoid dangerous emission levels. They make the
case that it is not only technically and economically
feasible for India to make the shift to renewable energy
sources (if this rollout is combined with energy-efficiency
measures), but also prudent to begin this transition
now. |
are several reasons for this urgency. First, the reports
note that India's power-generation infrastructure is
undergoing rapid expansion to meet national development
objectives, with the country still facing unmet power
demands that equate to as much as 80 percent of current
installed capacity. Second, they point to rising energy
security concerns as energy prices go up and supplies
shrink, making it a ripe time to shift to a new model
of energy production. |
however, once the high upfront investment costs have
been circumnavigated, the shift to renewables would
actually be cost positive, the reports conclude. "The
fuel savings up to 2030 would amount to $2,170 billion,
seven times more than the additional investment costs,"
said Sven Teske, an author of Energy [R]evolution. "Over
30 years, India would make money." |
reports offer recommendations for how such a shift could
happen. Proposed steps include a widespread scaling-up
of both decentralized energy production and centralized
renewable energy production (particularly solar photovoltaics,
concentrating solar power, wind, and biomass); the use
of combined heat-and- |
systems at the point of generation; the decarbonization
of transport fuel (with an emphasis on electric vehicles
and other sustainable forms of transportation); an increase
in research and development across energy segments;
and improvements in the energy efficiency of buildings,
transport, appliances, industrial processes, and power
transmission. |
also suggest granting priority access to the grid for
renewables, creating an innovative legal structure for
incentivization and taxation, and rallying both public
support and international technological and financial
assistance to accelerate fast and effective change.
reports differ in their approach to nuclear energy,
with TERI stating that nuclear will play a key role
in India's power sector in the medium to long term,
and the Greenpeace study not including it at all. |
to both reports, the primary obstacles facing India's
rapid shift to renewable energy are the upfront investment
costs required and the need for strong political will.
the issue of investment costs, TERI found that a shift
to a 92-percent renewables share in India's energy supply
would result in a doubling of domestic carbon emissions
by 2031 (compared with a seven-time increase under the
current trajectory) and would cost an estimated 457
trillion Rupees (US$9.6 trillion). This is contrasted
with a 75-percent renewables share, which would result
in a tripling of emissions by 2031 and cost an estimated
260 trillion Rupees ($5.4 trillion). |
would be pivotal in both cases, with concentrated solar
power alone making up 61 percent and 31 percent of the
total mix for the two scenarios, respectively. |
[R]evolution concluded that it is possible for 69 percent
of India's electricity and 70 percent of India's heating
and cooling needs to come from renewable sources by
2050 - but capturing this opportunity "would require
at an additional investment of $154 billion," Teske
said. |
the government's leaked national solar strategy proposes
investments amounting to some 85,000-105,000 Crore Rupees
($18-22 billion) over this same period. This would clearly
fall far short of the estimated funding needs for such
a massive and rapid rollout of solar energy, if compared
with the estimates above. |
Greenpeace and TERI suggest the use of international
financing mechanisms to bridge the cost gap, a proposal
in line with the Indian government's rhetoric in the
ongoing international climate negotiations. These proposals
include the full utilization of a carbon-credit mechanism
such as the Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism
(CDM), as well as the establishment of a $200 billion
international fund "supported by a feed-in tariff
mechanism," according to Energy [R]evolution. |
proposed feed-in law structure, which would be combined
with an emission trading mechanism, allows for the upfront
investment costs to be met and for planning from local
project developers, thanks to a fixed-return guarantee,"
Teske said. |
regard to the need for political will, there are certainly
signs that change is afoot. In addition to the government's
potential new solar target, initiatives under way across
India include the development and implementation of
energy-efficiency improvements for appliances, buildings,
power generation, and industry; a revised national policy
to upgrade and "smarten" much of India's power
grid; a growing portfolio of CDM projects; and emerging
leadership in states like Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and
Rajasthan to adopt and implement progressive renewable
energy policies. |
society and the private sector are increasingly active
in implementing renewables and smart energy projects
across many parts of the country as well. However, some
observers remain skeptical about the feasibility of
India's energy transition plans, with concerns running
deeper than the need for finance and strong policy frameworks.
Subramanian, former Secretary of the Ministry of New
and Renewable Energy, said the strategy outlined in
Energy [R]evolution would face significant implementation
challenges. "The government of India does not currently
have the machinery to implement such a strategy at a
national level," said Subramanian, who now serves
as CEO of India's Wind Energy Association. "This
has to be done by state governments, and as yet the
engagement between the two on this is not strong."
Mr. Subramanian's view, financing is not the key issue.
"If India leveraged 1 paise, or one-hundredth of
a rupee, on every kilowatt hour generated by coal-fired
utilities, we would have enough money to implement all
renewables here in India," he said. |
is clear that changes toward a renewable energy future
are under way in India - but is the current pace fast
enough? Many environmentalists argue that it is still
not in line with the stated need and opportunity, and
that some barriers are not being addressed. Targets
such as those outlined in the leaked solar energy report
and recommended in the recent renewables studies would
raise the bar of opportunity for scale, pace, impact,
and actionable political will. However, India would
need a significant machinery overhaul to implement such
a change, relying upon the support of international
collaboration. |
Massive Renewable Energy Opportunity Being Squandered |
Stacy Feldman
power's potential in India is off the charts
-- a thousand times greater than the likely
electricity demand in the sun-blessed nation
by 2015. |
could produce a whopping 65,000 megawatts
-- about half of India's present total installed
capacity. And the potential of available
biomass, energy from plants, is 30,000 megawatts
-- ten times the nation's current nuclear
capacity. |
there's a problem of mismanagement at India's Ministry
of New and Renewable Energy that's crippling clean energy
development, according to a new report from the London-based
Commonwealth Business Council (CBC) and the Indian Institute
of Management (IIM). |
the result is that vital clean technology dollars are
going elsewhere. |
The Indo-Asian News Service
sums it up: |
poor research and development (R&D) to non-existent
basic data and non-functioning projects, the Indian
renewables industry is dogged by a catalogue of mismanagement
and errors that are stopping vital private investments
in the sector. |
The numbers support this
claim. |
to a January 2009 report by the Cleantech Group, Indian
cleantech companies raised $277 million in 2008 -- a
drop of 20 percent from 2007. |
investment in the sector saw an overall decline last
year. But not in China, a competitor for India, which
saw a 22 percent increase in cleantech financing in
2008. China snatched up five percent of the global total,
while India accounted for three percent. |
are some of the most blatant bureaucratic barriers to
renewables growth on the subcontinent, from the CBC-IIM
study: |
solar sector is hamstrung by acute land scarcity.
In rural India, proposed solar plants are losing out
to competing infrastructure projects also in need of
land. |
wind sector suffers from a lack of real data
on where the windiest parts of India actually exist.
Out of the 553 wind-monitoring stations that are installed,
only 53 are operational. |
biomass market is "completely unstructured."
There is no formal way of meeting demands or checking
the quality of products. Poor local data on waste makes
it difficult for companies to decide what type of waste-power
plants to design. |
isn't to say there hasn't been progress in developing
clean energy sources. India's ministry for renewable
energy development remains the only one of its kind
in the world -- even if it is a tangle of "green"
tape. |
the nation's wind energy capacity shot up significantly
in recent years. In 2007, new wind capacity jumped 29
percent in India, according to the Global Wind Energy
Council. In 2008, it rose another 23 percent. |
And take a look at these
developments. They should bode well for the future: |
The government has mandated
that 12 percent of all electricity come from
renewable sources by the year 2010.
The nation's National Climate
Change Action Plan of June 2008 called for
a "National Solar Mission," with
a goal of deploying 1,000 megawatts of solar
thermal power generation and increasing the
production of photovoltaic to 1,000 megawatts
per year.
The Rajasthan government
has set aside a 13,500 m² area of the
Thar desert for solar power, sufficient to
generating a minimum of 700,000 megawatts.
non-hydro renewables remain marginal players in India's
great energy game, making up around eight percent of
grid capacity -- a pittance of its total installed capacity
of 146,000 megawatts. |
as far as wind goes, China overtook India by a huge
margin in 2008 for the first time, in terms of both
new capacity and total installed capacity. |
disappointing is that solar power accounts for a measly
0.5 percent of India's total installed renewable energy.
boost that percentage will take far more than ending
bureaucratic inefficiencies. |
going to take a home-grown revolution in cost and technology
to make clean sources as cheap as coal. Think Tata Nano,
but for solar installations not cars. That will take
time. |
now, India needs consistent climate policies from the
national government, at the very least, with hard targets
and guidelines, not the big vision rhetoric we have
seen to date. That could help lure private investment
in the near term. |
the nation seems to be making progress on that front.
in the midst of elections. And for the first time in
its election history, the manifestos of the two leading
major parties -- The Indian National Congress (INC),
head of the current ruling coalition, and the Bharatiya
Janata Party (BJP) -- have devoted space to climate
change and renewable energy. |
You can read them for
yourself here.
Here's a taste: |
BJP proposes to invest heavily in developing non-fossil
fuel-based clean energy sources, especially for electricity
production. Our goal will be to add at least 120,000
MW of power over the next five years, with 20 per cent
of it coming from renewable sources. |
BJP Manifesto |
Congress-led UPA government has already unveiled a National
Action Plan for Climate Change. It is an acknowledgment
of our responsibility to take credible actions within
the overall framework of meeting the development aspirations
of our people for higher economic growth and a higher
standard of living. This action plan will be implemented
in letter and spirit.
Manifesto |
still a scarcity of real targets and goals, and you
won't find dollar commitments, à la President
Obama's $150 billion clean energy pledge. But it's no
less a highly positive development. |
notably it's coming from voters. Said Surya Sethi, principal
energy adviser for India's Planning Commission, to the
Worldwatch Institute: |
manifestos of the political parties merely reflect what
the party perceives as key concerns of its voters...The
growing middle class, with its greater reach to media
and other sources of information, simply demands more
and better attention to such concerns." |
India's leaders would
be wise to listen to its citizens -- through policy action
not platitudes. |
and job creation hang in the balance. As Dr. R.K. Pachauri,
head of the UN IPCCC said of India's massive renewables
opportunity: |
the developed world unwilling to give up the short term
benefits accruing from the use of coal, India can emerge
a major leader as far as new technology is concerned,
besides also emerging a leader in combating climate
change." |